Port infrastructure maintenance can seem like a daunting task, but for Lee Composites, Inc. it’s a revolutionary stepping stone. Lee Composites, Inc. is a multi-faceted leader in marine and commercial composite products providing solutions to protect marine and freshwater facing infrastructure. They design and manufacture products such as seawalls, pilings, plastic lumber, rubber fenders, and dock bumpers that are used at ports all around the world.
Bob Lee, President of Lee Composites, Inc., established the company in 1989 after working for Dow Chemical and a startup composite company. Lee started his company as a consultant before growing it into manufacturing, where he could develop and market maritime products.
Early on, Lee Composites, Inc. helped develop the first fiberglass pultruded corrugated interlocking sheetpile in the world and the first patented SuperHanger™ PVC pipe hanger system. Both products were critical needs in marine infrastructure and helped pave way for the ShibataFenderTeam™ Fender System, Fiberglass Marine Pilings, and more.
Today Lee Composites, Inc. is the number one supplier of fenders and is a one-stop shop for most maritime businesses around the world including Port Houston. Gilda Ramirez, Senior Director of Port Houston’s Small Business and Education Outreach Department, says “Lee Composites is a registered, certified small business in the Port’s Small Business Development Program who truly provides value, quality, and price competitiveness to the Port and its prime contractors for the past 9 years. They have provided complete fender systems and bollards for the Turning Basin, CARE, Barbours Cut, and Bayport Container Terminals. Bob Lee is a subject matter expert in the Shibata Fender System, fiberglass marine pilings, and composite lumber and shares that knowledge with the Port to achieve the best ship docking system.”
Currently Port Houston is working with Lee Composites, Inc. on two projects at Bayport and Barbours Cut updating the fender systems at both terminals. These innovative upgrades will help protect the terminals from wear and tear as well as keep the people and vessels safe during operations.
Port Houston has also been steadily upgrading other parts of its terminals thanks to Lee Composites, Inc. At Turning Basin and Manchester terminals, there were upgrades to STRUXURE™️ Plastic Lumber which helps the rails and walkways stay strong and durable over time. Additionally, at Turning Basin and Care Terminals there were new fender systems put into place.
What makes Lee Composites, Inc. unique is their ability to conquer hurdles and make high-quality products that customers need. Although the pandemic and winter storm may have slowed down most businesses in the last year, Lee Composites, Inc. has been staying strong.
“Our products are designed many months in advance and have to be planned ahead of time. Although some deliveries were slowed due to the pandemic, we changed our tactics and were still able to keep up with demand,” Bob Lee states. “We had one of our best years in 2020 and I know there’s still plenty of growth ahead.”
Lee Composites, Inc. has been in business for over 31 years and they certainly know the value they bring. With high-quality products, excellent service, and trusted maritime expertise, it’s no wonder they are used by many major companies around the world. Bob Lee and his team don’t plan on slowing down anytime soon.